Open Community Voting for the Hydro Token Supply

Project Hydro
3 min readJan 25, 2021


Project Hydro is an open-source project driven by the community. And the Hydro community has always been a part of every major decision that evolves the Hydro ecosystem.

We interact with our community and listen to their ideas and suggestions carefully on a daily basis. There was always one thing that affected the community, “Hydro has a really big supply” this is what we heard from the beginning of Hydro Project, every rendition of the same sentence. We finally decided to take care of this issue for our community & investors. We thought about it a lot on how to proceed with it but after careful consideration we came to the conclusion that Hydro is a decentralized community driven project, our community should be the one to decide the new supply.

So, through the Open Voting, the community will have complete control to choose the new revised Total Supply of the HYDRO token. The process of redeployment will be simple & seamless for the community.

We will use Electionrunner for this purpose as current Ethereum gas fees make it simply too expensive for each community member to partake in the election if we were to use Voteum. This will guarantee that the election will be conducted without cost to the voter while still maintaining a high level of security and integrity for the election.

Voters can vote only once because each voter will get a unique “Voter ID” and “Voter Key” on their email address, so there will be no duplication and the result will be transparent. From the registered members, only genuine members will be given this Key to be eligible for voting. When the election is done the results will be posted for everyone to audit for full transparency.

Register as a voter

To be eligible for voting, community members will have to register themselves first by filling up the Voter Registration Form with the required details.

Required information to fill up:

  • Name
  • Email Address

[Note: This information is required only for genuine voting, and will be deleted after the result announcement.]

The Voter Registration Form will be open only for 3 days. Then all registrants will receive an email with a unique sign in details that can be used to participate in the election. Voting window will be open for the next 3 days.

How to vote?

1. Open Election page:

2. Enter your Voter ID and Voter Key to proceed further.

3. After the successful login, voters have to select 1 option of total supply to be and click on the “Submit Ballot” button.

4. Voted successfully.

Results will be announced on 1st of February, 2021. And then Hydro’s total supply will be reduced to the whichever option voters have chosen.

Registration Form: Click here

You can keep in touch with our team via one of our social channels:



Project Hydro

Web3 Architects building the future of GameFi. We are DeFi, We are Hydro.